The Most Effective Sales Team Automation Tools: An Overview

Salespeople spend about 65% of their time on non-revenue-generating activities simply because they have so much on their plate in today’s competitive market. Likewise, field reps spend only about 3% more time selling than their in-house counterparts. Hence, productivity is not really related to travel time, but the process itself. In 2022, sales scheduling software… Continue reading The Most Effective Sales Team Automation Tools: An Overview

How VoIP Call Centers Improve Your Customer Experience

Most businesses, regardless if they’re B2B or B2C, require a reliable method for customers to contact them. In recent years, many businesses have switched their business phones to VoIP Call Centers, which allow their employees to work from almost anywhere in the world at low-cost. However, ⅓ of small businesses have not made the move… Continue reading How VoIP Call Centers Improve Your Customer Experience

How Technology Has Improved Business Communication

Whether we like it or not, modern technology affects every aspect of our communication. It changes how we reach out to others at work and in private life. That causes many to lament over the fact that business doesn’t happen face to face as often as before. But there’s no denying that technological advances greatly… Continue reading How Technology Has Improved Business Communication

A Guide to Effective Team Management and Communication

No matter what company you’re working for, one of the most important things to master is effective team management. After all, teams that work on various projects are the heart of every business — without them, everything else stops too.  Yet, at the same time, bringing together people with their different personalities, work ethics, and… Continue reading A Guide to Effective Team Management and Communication

Stay on Top: What the Future Holds for Call Centers

Like every other sector, the customer service (CS) industry has been turned upside down in the past couple of years. Due to the global pandemic, many people switched to remote work. The sector also had to keep up with the digital transformation, a growing trend, while dealing with the constant pressure to provide better experiences.… Continue reading Stay on Top: What the Future Holds for Call Centers

How to Manage Your Remote Teams for Improved Productivity

Working remotely isn’t exactly a novelty in the 21st century. Since the emergence of the IT industry, this business model has slowly started to gain traction. Still, many businesses prefer to conduct the majority of their operations with their employees being physically present in an office. This changed drastically when the pandemic hit in 2020.… Continue reading How to Manage Your Remote Teams for Improved Productivity

Top 5 Reasons to Get a Local Phone Number for Business

With the development of digital communication methods, local telephone numbers may seem like a thing of the past. Why would you get one when your clients can contact you via email or messaging app? But, as it happens, having a local phone number comes with many benefits. Actually, 60% of customers claim they prefer to… Continue reading Top 5 Reasons to Get a Local Phone Number for Business

Insurance Client Data Sheets for Upselling and Retargeting

The goal for any business is to generate revenue by solving a client’s problems. But how do you do that while juggling so many other business demands? Take client success stories, for example. Celebrating the achievements of an existing customer after adopting your product or service is a terrific way to show others proof that… Continue reading Insurance Client Data Sheets for Upselling and Retargeting

9 Ways Financial Advisors Build Client Trust

2020 has placed interference and confusion at everyone’s doorstep. The finance sector in particular was affected in terms of how to direct their teams, how to convene with clients, and how to perform daily duties while remaining as productive as the year before.  But some organizations have managed to react to 2020’s new norms in… Continue reading 9 Ways Financial Advisors Build Client Trust

Outbound Calls: Best Practice Tips and Strategies

When it comes to outbound calling, only one thing matters — conversions. And while the statistics are actually in a sales person’s favor, the reality is that without a proper strategy, outbound calling can be detrimental to one’s business.  So let’s turn that around by understanding how outbound calling works and what you can do… Continue reading Outbound Calls: Best Practice Tips and Strategies